☪ Starcat Sermons ♄

My favorite places for free things!

|| Books and Media ||

The Qurán, The Voice of Alláh

To be quite honest, this should be under the trustworthy news section as well. The most important book most people will ever have the pleasure of reading.

Bahá'í Reference Library

Online archive of the texts of the Bayán. The most recent major additions to the religion.

Tyndale House Archive

Dictionaries for Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Coptic, and Arabic. Great references for translating old texts.

Anna's Archive

Anna’s Archive is a non-profit, open-source search engine for “shadow libraries”. It is easily searchable and highly recommended!

The Anarchist Library

If you've never browsed the Anarchist Library before, what are you waiting for? It is one of the best hotbeds of legitimate, academic political discourse among laypeople. I would not be caught dead wading into political arguments without some basic experience with the types of rhetoric found in these essays. For a good modern start, read "Desert".

Z-lib, free books!

Anna's Archive also searches Zlib, but I am including it here because of its legacy and popularity. The feds tried to shut it down but they can't raid every server house. Mirrored forever. Worth using regularly. If the above site does not work for you I guarantee there is an unblocked mirror. [Update: the feds got this one! Dang! Anna's Archive (above) is looking for help hosting mirrors right now.]


This is practically Wikipedia 2. They should have called it Wikimedia or something funny like that. It is fantastic for getting lost in old films, scans, and books. Also home of the internet's one and only Wayback Machine, which preserves webpages for future study.

|| Web Services ||

Raddle.me, Anarchist reddit alternative!

Reddit alternative that truly scratches the same itch. Free and open source code, no email needed, they don't even track hits (this website tracks hits), non-monetized, public logs, and the PHP basis means that raddle is usable Javascript-free (and with Tor at high security settings). Javascript heightens the potential for attack vectors.

Autistici, drop the gmail!

Autistici is an independent web-services provider looking to free information and protect community-led projects on the open web.

Neocities, Make a website like this one!

Hey I know this one.

|| Games ||

Vimm's Lair: Preserving the Classics

Vimm's Lair is a videogame .rom archival project. The plurality of games produced before 2010 are completely unavailable to purchase, save secondhand. The catalogue is nearly endless.

Aleph One, Marathon Open-Source!

Do you like Bungie? Do you like first-person shooters? Marathon is a good game! Even if you don't. Maybe.

Play Touhou! For free! (Please)

So Touhou is really good. It is really hard though. It's about Reimu, a lazy shrine maiden. She is funny and so are her friends. There are no men. Sorry men.

Open source game clones

If you're lucky, you'll even find a port of Doom.

|| Self-Advocacy Resources ||


The endocrinologists are lying to us. WPATH is a buncha cissexual gatekeepers and feds. Do you ever wonder why trans women need to undergo multiple psychosexual examinations in order to attain surgery, or even simple HRT? Why we are required to have 'therapy' before receiving care, why we are presumed to not know what's good for us? Why WPATH standards require us to be suicidal before receiving surgery, and how this double-bind catch-22 is used against us to justify our 'hysterical' or 'unstable' nature? Why the topic of gender is presented as enormously complex for transfems yet self-apparent to cissexuals? Do you ever wonder why there isn't another trans woman on the other side of the table? Wonder no longer! It is because they're skimming off of our need for care and presuming that we have deviated from a cissexual default. It is one big concern-troll by neoliberal 'allies'. Rise above it. If a priest can perform a circumcision on a child, one could (and should) certainly be able to perform an orchiectomy on an adult.


Multiple debt strike resources are available at the following site. Perusal encouraged.

|| Trustworthy News ||


By the people, for the people.


Void Network

It's Going Down

There were some rumors that this one might be run by spooks. Probably not though.

Rose City Counter-Info
